Imagine those who are serious about bettering their lives were given the opportunity to do so
Taste+See exists to mentor men and women who want to work towards a better future. In the world’s most unequal nation, the divide between rich and poor is vast. Taste+See gives those of us with the advantage of resources, the ability to partner with and support those without.
Originally launched of necessity as a feeding scheme at the start of hard lockdown in 2020, Taste+See has matured from hand out to hand up. Taste+See mentees are walked through a journey which aims to empower them both practically and spiritually towards financial independence and wholeness.
Taste+See mentees were invited on a self-development journey.

To begin with, the mentees attend a weekly bible study. One month in, they’re invited to an interview which includes a needs assessment. If they qualify, they then join the year-long T+S programme which includes community service hours in exchange for a weekly grocery voucher. At the same time, mentees are invited to do a life skills programme with POPUP. Those who would then like to further develop themselves can attend our domestic workers training facilitated by the Helderberg Development Centre or our small business training courses facilitated by Paradigm Shift.

Food parcels were replaced by shop vouchers, which were earned.

Food parcels were replaced by shop vouchers, which were earned. To be paid a shop voucher sufficient to buy a week’s worth of basics, mentees had to clock 8 volunteer hours at a community-based project (township street clean up, working in the community garden, or reading club learners). Mentees were also invited to do a basic skills programme with an NGO called POPUP (identity in Christ, trauma counselling, how to prepare a CV, how to prepare for an interview, etc). Through 2021, Taste+See mentees were invited to be part of a bible study.
We began to compile weekly food parcels for those in the Helderberg who needed them most.

In the midst of hard lockdown, thousands of men and women lost their means of earning an income. It was many months before the Basic Income Grant was introduced, and even then, foreigners did not qualify for this support. These parcels included essential food and toiletries. The food was determined in consultation with a nutritionist and a dietician to ensure that it was nutritious, palatable and culturally acceptable. Through the year, 420 families were fed per week.